Shipping & Refund Policy

Refunds for Goods  

For ebooks, as these are instant downloads, no refund can be given.  

Please choose carefully. Refunds are only given if you buy a duplicate digital item within 48 hours of the first purchase, in which case the duplicate item will be refunded. You must notify us within 30 days of your order.  

Otherwise, refunds do not apply to the following goods: Digital goods, ebooks, and audiobooks. These are instant downloads.  

If there is a problem with your print purchase, please email to discuss a refund or exchange within 30 days of shipping.

For physical goods (such as print books), you are required to provide a complete and accurate delivery address, including the name of the recipient. We are not liable for the delivery of your goods to the wrong address or wrong person as a result of you providing us with inaccurate or incomplete information.

Shipping and Delivery  

Print books are printed individually to order and shipped through the independent printer, Bookvault, from the UK, or from the US for some formats.

In Australia, these are shipped direct from the authour. 

It usually takes 7-10 working days in the UK, and 10-15 working days in the US and elsewhere. You can track the shipping with the link in your order.